Sunday, January 22, 2012

A completed pinterest project!

The beginning...

The our week one...I will occasionally update the upper left with a new verse for our family to focus on. The days are to note princesses activities or any special event we need to remember.

And this one is for our weekly menu. Maybe we'll start cooking more if we plan it out ahead of time?

YAY I completed a pinterest project:) Now to convince hubby to hang them:)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The tutu project begins

Going to look great! I'm very excited...can't wait for the tulle I ordered to arrive...4 to 7 business days is all I have to wait.

My tulle all cut and pretty:)

I'm only a little excited that the project is under

I've measured out the length I want and doubled it...then I found something that I could cut into that I've wrapped my entire spool around this 36" board to get my 72" length of tulle...I bought the 6" tulle versus the bolt b/c I figure the less cutting I make the less mistakes I can make:)

A new year a new blog...

now hopefully I will update before another year passes:)

I've become a serious pinterest addict...and in that vein I am attempting to be more crafty. Preparations began a week ago and tonight I made the first of many cuts and ties...I'm attempting to make princess a tutu empire waist dress...I will post pics here of my progress thus far...I had 51yds of tulle and that proved to be far less than it will require. So placed a nice fat online order tonight for approximately 600yds of tulle...I'm hoping that will finish this one and make a Valentine's one. We shall see:)

Well I attempted to upload pics, but it's not really working. Any advice? I'd like to pin my photos to my pinterest account...