Friday, July 22, 2011

101 and other stuff

So I've finally gotten around to creating a 101 in 1001 and am tracking it here

Hmmm, getting that webaddress entered was more difficult than I imagined. I really should learn how to use this blog more effectively.

I'm exhausted but felt like updating so this will be random and stream of consciousness I'm sure.

Our dog passed away this past Sunday. She was an amazing dog...9 years old. Her name was Molly. She was my hubby's first roommate and he'd had her since she was a pup. She developed diabetes and went blind this past winter. We will miss her! But we are glad she's no longer sick. We're going to make her a pretty stepping stone for her marker and we put her in her favorite part of the yard near a pretty wild flower bush.

My mom, sister and sister's boyfriend were up visiting this past weekend as well. It was great to see them! And nice to get to know pip'em's boyfriend better. I miss them!

My princess turned 6 a week ago today! I'm still not use to the idea of being the mom to a six year old.

She was in her second stage performance the day of her birthday! She loves Drama Camp! She was the 6th goat, Bashful, and had to faint! She was adorable!

She had a wonderful birthday celebration Saturday night. We rented the pool for two hours for her and her friends.

She's getting to the age where I'm starting to be concerned about her friendships...some I'd like to foster, others could fall by the way side and that would be good as well.

Summer classes are kicking my tush...I'm so tired and we are covering so much material so quickly...but they will be over soon.

Then I get an entire week off! A week of NO school! And a week of no work as I took it off...I plan to read and swim, sleep, rinse, recycle, repeat.

As for the 101 I've gotten many of my tasks underway. But they days are clicking by fairly quickly already. I already have ideas for things to put on my next 101 list...

I started researching one of my tasks tonight. Skydiving...and realized I need to lose some weight first. The limit is 220 for the locations here in Iowa is 220. There's a place in Chattanooga that does 300...might be skydiving in Chattanooga instead.

And there, that's my current update...:)

1 comment:

  1. You need to update more sister! Glad to hear you'll be relaxing soon.
