Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So NOT the easy way out...

Many years ago I recall making the comment..."oh that's the easy way out."  Now I'm a lot more educated and preparing to take that way. I have two more insurance hoops to dive through and then I will be submitted by my surgeon for approval for vertical sleeve gastrectomy surgery. 

My OB/GYN suggestes bariatric surgery to me 2 visits ago...at the time I looked into it.  I learned a lot at that time.  BUT I decided that I had never really committed 100% to a weight loss regimen. So I signed up for Weight Watchers.  I followed the plan and worked hard for a year...and I lost a whopping 9lbs.  Frustration of course sat in and I went back to bad habits. Which led to reaching my all time high of 297 lbs...That's right...I was 3 lbs from 300...I went to my Dr and said HELP!  So we tried this med...I took it for 3 weeks at which time my blood pressure got higher and higher but I lost about 15lbs. She wouldn't let me stay on the meds in spite of the weight loss because of the high blood pressure. I've been off the med for over 3 months now and we're still trying to get my blood pressure back to what it was before. During the 3 weeks I was on the med I saw my OB/GYN for my yearly...we talked about many things, my pcos, how we'd been of birth control for over a year and weren't pregnant, how I really wanted to loss weight, how I'd done WW for 1 year and lost 9lbs...she brought up weight loss surgery again.  I promised to do more research and seriously consider it.  And that brings us to here. In approximately 2 months I'll have 75% of my stomach removed. I've researched all 3 options my insurance covers and through long discussions with my hubby and surgeon feel this is the best option for me.

I hope you'll support me with your prayers and encouragement.  I need help, I need a tool.  I don't want to die early from cardiac or diabetes complications.  I want to have more adorable babies. I want to grow old and gray with my amazing husband! I want to see my baby get married and have her own babies.  I want to live a life I've only ever imagined because I've always been over weight. I want to feel in control of my life, health, pcos and fertility!

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